Mleeta Memorial (2): The Weaponry

This second part is dedicated to the weapons used by the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon in its war against the IDF and represented at the Mleeta Memorial:

The M2 Browning Machine Gun.
The KPV-14.5 heavy machine gun.
The ZPU-1 anti-aircraft gun.
The 23 mm 2A14 Automatic Anti-Aircraft Gun.
The ZU-23-2 Anti-Aircraft Gun.
The Chinese made Type 55 37mm anti-aircraft gun.
The S60/Type-59 57mm anti-aircraft gun.
The 9K32 Strela-2 man-portable SAM.
The The SPG-9 Kopye 73mm Recoiless Gun.
The Chinese made Type 56 75mm Recoilless Anti-Tank Gun.
The B-10 82mm recoilless rifle.
The M67 90mm recoilless rifle.
The 9K11 Malyutka wire-guided anti-tank missile.
The 9K111 Fagot wire-guided anti-tank missile.
The 9M133 Kornet anti-tank missile.
The BGM-71 TOW anti-tank missile.
The RPG-29 rocket-propelled grenade launcher.
The M29 81mm mortar.
The Chinese made Type 56 160mm Mortar.
A Kawasaki KDX 250 and an RPG-7.
An M825 armed with M40 106mm recoilless rifle. This type of vehicle was used during the Lebanese Civil War in the 1989 clashes between Hezbollah and AMAL militias.
A ZPU-2 mounted on a Toyota Land Cruiser.
A "Grad" 122 mm multiple rocket launcher mounted on a Toyota Land Cruiser.

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